The world is very diverse and gives entrepreneurs almost unlimited opportunities. This world, however, mostly do not know of any products or services of Polish origin. Most of the inhabitants of our planet do not even know where is Poland. Not surprisingly that the vast majority of foreign entrepreneurs do not know how they could benefit from the relationship with Polish companies.
The second issue is our native prejudices and stereotypes about other cultures. Our view of the world is often painted by releases from mass media and the stories straight from staying at all-inclusive hotel in Hurghada. We afraid of the Arab world and most preferably would omit regions in which they live? We do not understand why talks with businessmen from the Far East are so long before any concrete results? Does a Latin ubiquitous “manana irritates us “?
We help entrepreneurs know and understand the countries geographically and culturally distant. To help stop being afraid of them and see them in a much wider context than before. Overcoming these barriers is necessary to start to establish effective business relationships.