Commercial advisory related to Difficult Markets

Savings and investment

Interest rates in Poland and the European Union are at a low level and is not going to be that in the coming years, something had to change. It is difficult to obtain in the banks interest rates on deposits in PLN higher than 2-3% for private investors as well as for businesses. Investment solutions with similar low risk profile are available on the Polish market. And they show a much higher level of return – even at the level of 4.5% per annum.

There are many various ways on the global markets to manage the assets with a higher risk profile where the rate of return reaches over 10% per annum.

 But how to choose the most effective to ensure continued long-term growth of our assets?

I advise how to manage the financial assets to be able to sleep peacefully.

I point how to diversify the risks associated with the capital markets

I help to invest safely in order to achieve higher returns than in banks